Guidelines for preparation of abstracts

Submission start: June 1st, 2024
Submission end: October 6th, 2024


  1. Abstracts presentation types:

    - Oral Communication or Poster presentation (depending on the decision of the jury)
    - Poster presentation

    Please note that abstracts marked with a preference for poster presentation only will NOT be considered for oral communication, regardless of their score.
  2. Abstracts may only be submitted online. Abstracts submitted by fax or email will not be accepted.
  3. Abstracts must be submitted in English. Please use UK English spelling.
  4. The content of the abstract must be structured as follows:

    - Background and Objective
    - Methods
    - Results
    - Conclusion
  5. Provide a short specific title indicating the nature of the investigation. The background and goals of the study should appear clearly to the reader. The methods and results must contain data, and the conclusions should be clearly expressed.
  6. The title may not exceed 20 words characters including spaces. The abstract text may not be longer than 2400 characters (including spaces, without title, author names, and institute).
  7. Do not mention any of the authors, institute, or hospital in the title, abstract, annexes or in the remarks. Do not report full references to your previous publications.
  8. Authors list: Please note that the first author is the abstract presenter by default and contact person for all correspondence. This can be modified if necessary. In all cases, the presenter must be one of the co-authors of the submitted abstract. The authors’ order and details (names, cities, and country codes) will be published as entered by the submitter.
  9. The presenting author of an accepted abstract must register and attend the congress.
  10. The goal of the meeting is to present scientific work in hematology / oncology / cancer care done in Switzerland or done by Swiss researchers outside of Switzerland. This shall provide an overview of activities in our country. Therefore, abstracts of work previously presented at international congresses (encore abstracts) or planned for international congresses is acceptable and presentation is encouraged.
  11. Abstracts submitted by industry are accepted if a reference to Switzerland can be established. I.e., one of the following: 
    - Swiss author on original publication
    - Study was performed predominantly in Switzerland
  12. Poster presenters must be present and stand by their posters during their assigned poster sessions.
  13. The use of standard abbreviations is desirable. A special or unusual abbreviation must be placed (in round brackets) after the first appearance of the word for which it stands.
  14. Authors are requested to select one of the following topics under which they wish to submit their presentation for:

    - Hemostasis, transfusion medicine, vascular, laboratory medicine, benign hematology (SSH award)
    - Clinical hemato-oncology (SSMO/SSH award)
    - Experimental Hematology / Oncology (SSMO/SSH award)
    - Clinical solid tumor oncology (SSMO award)
    - Nursing, supportive & palliative care, rehabilitation & survivorship (Oncoreha/OPS/ award)

    Abstracts on issues of epidemiology, psycho-oncology and care are to be submitted with the clinical categories. Abstracts on pediatric issues are to be submitted with the clinical categories as for adult patients. Experimental Hematology / Oncology includes experimental laboratory-based work, abstracts on laboratory-based diagnosis belong to category 1.
  15. Max. 1 table and / or 1 figure can be added per abstract (max size 600 * 800 pixels (w/h) --> saved as jpg or png
  16. Images are not allowed.
  17. Presentation type: The Scientific Programme Committee reserves the right to decide on the final allocation and presentation method.
  18. Submission of the abstract will be confirmed automatically by email. If this confirmation mail is not received, the submission has probably not been fulfilled.
  19. Once submitted, it is possible to make corrections to the abstract content until the abstract submission deadline. If accepted, your abstract will be published on the congress website.
  20. In case you want to withdraw a submitted abstract after submission deadline, please notify us as quickly as possible at All abstract withdrawals must be received in writing (via e-mail) by October 18, 2024.
  21. Each abstract will be reviewed by external experts and final selection will be made by the Scientific Programme Committee. Notification of acceptance or rejection of submitted abstracts will be sent to the corresponding authors via email before the end of October 2023. Full instructions concerning preparation and presentation will be included.
  22. Submission of an abstract constitutes a formal commitment by the author(s) to present the work if accepted. All expenses (congress registration...) associated with the submission and presentation of an abstract, are under the responsibility of the presenter.
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